Caroline Shaw & Sō Percussion
Laguna Beach Music Festival
Caroline SHAW & SŌ PERCUSSION: "Some Bright Morning"
Caroline SHAW & SŌ PERCUSSION: "Lay All Your Love on Me"
Caroline SHAW & SŌ PERCUSSION: "To Music"
Sō Percussion and Caroline Shaw's latest collaboration is Rectangles and Circumstance, the "hypnotically beautiful" (BBC Radio 3) new album from Nonesuch Records. The current tour of the album is augmented by songs from their previous collaborative work Let the Soil Play its Simple Part as well as an interlude from Caroline's cinematic pop duo Ringdown, featuring co-songwriter and partner Danni Lee, plus recent compositions for Sō by members Jason Treuting and Eric Cha-Beach. The evening-length performance is a band-generated theatrical experience, featuring staging and design by director Mark DeChiazza. The musicians gradually place lights and reveal novel instruments as the show builds from a lone spotlight on Shaw singing "I'll Fly Away" to the ecstatic full ensemble performing thrilling up-tempo songs like "Sing On" and "To the Sky," as films by Sō Percussion member Jason Treuting splash across canvases throughout the stage. This production melds DIY design with dazzling original songs, to sensational effect.
**Please note that this concert was changed from its original published date in our 2024/25 Season Brochure.
John ‘Chimo’ Arnold and Friends in Memory of Diane Arnold
Hung Fan and Michael Feldman
Joan Halvajian
Jelinek Family Trust
Betsy and Gary Jenkins
Phillip N. and Mary A. Lyons
Lauren and Richard Packard
Christopher Quilter
Elizabeth and Justus Schlichting
City of Laguna Beach